Parenting takes up so much time and energy that teaching children about money often falls by the wayside. As a result, many people find themselves behind the curve when it comes to the basics of personal finances. In a world where financial illiteracy has become a crisis, and where many kids remain financially dependent well into adulthood, giving your children financial education is more important than ever.
Through his books, workshops and speeches, Clint inspires and builds the next generation to be financially literate, competent and ultimately successful stewards of their money and works with companies to improve their bottom line through employee financial education awareness programs.

As a business leader, Clint discovered that even though all companies deal with money, very few employees were provided with the basics of financial principles in their own lives. Having a passion for financial responsibility, Clint learned that he could improve his bottom line by imparting a fundamental level of financial knowledge in his employees. When Clint Greenleaf became a father, he wanted to provide his own children with a solid financial education. His two most recent books, Give, Save, Spend with The Three Little Pigs and Beyond the Piggybank, focus on building financial literacy within children.